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The Unauthorized Biography of @audacioushand

AudaciousHand is a man of many contradictions. Reclusive, but opinionated. Opinionated, but defensive to the touch with criticisms of him. Sensitive, but scathing towards others. He comes to us from various locales, including the wilderness during a snowstorm, his car as it goes through a tunnel, or nearly shirtless while sipping a treasured glass of cabernet adjacent to the fireplace.

He is also a man of many words, or to put it more in his terms, a loquacious sesquipedalian. He is occasionally lugubrious and occasionally sanguine, sometimes in the same winding sentence.

But, let’s not forget his artistry. Known far and wide as a harsh tactical grader, the man sees the Diplomacy board differently than the rest of us mere mortals. He aspires that others will bring him beauty and truth in a game of lies played by scamps. He fetishizes certain tiles on the board, and disdains the popularity of other commonly accepted critical tiles. He believes fleets are superior to armies. Most of all, however, he urges players to be daring.

Above all, he sees the Diplomacy board like no other, and adds invaluable commentary along with a dose of insufferable stubbornness, which sometimes leads to unexpected results. For example, because of his unparalleled analytical skills, he is now a member of The Diplomats. Upon hearing the news, he refused to write his own biography, and now must accept GHG’s unauthorized submission on his behalf, much like he had to accept GHG’s grades on the podcast and further bend to the realization that he was wrong about Germany’s stab of England in the Season 5 Nexus Finals. An artist, you see, sometimes gives us The Godfather, Parts I and II, but also gives us The Godfather, Part III.