W08-S12 - The Game Continues Without Me

Even though I’m out, there’s still a game going on. Hopefully anybody but Germany wins. Brief commentary below on the rest of the game.


So, now that I’m out, will ARG begin fighting?


It looks like Russia is defending, Germany attacking Russia, and Austria attacking Russia and Austria moving on Italy to get some Italian dots.


Germany gets one off Russia and is otherwise defending.


Russia has to disband North, while that army build in Kiel looks anti-Russian.


Germany press the attack on Russia while Austria take Rome. England is still in it, damnit!


Yay, England is out. Germany’s position looks strong. Don’t see how others are going to catch up if there’s no AR cooperation.


Maybe AR worked it out here. They can get to the line and hold Germany from soloing, I think. A German solo would suck and be hysterical all at once.


Looks like enough cooperation to stop the solo. I wonder if that Apu-Nap move is just temporary to hold the line.


Ah yes, Italy stays in. good. Germany grows but the solo is not in the cards.


Germany builds the fleet, but a solo is out of reach.


As yes, the game draws here with Germany in a commanding lead, but without the solo. All in all, for as much as I complained about German play, I cannot complain about his result. He did what he needed to do to survive and win. His tactics were excellent. His diplomacy was good enough, and he was able to pull off a well-deserved victory.


F08 “Au Revoir Moi”