S07 Negotiations - Trying To Keep Hope Alive


I am hopeful that I can do something to stir up the big three powers, Germany/Russia/Austria, into fighting each other. In Spring 07, Austria responds to my disclosure of Russia’s leak of the German war plans to me.

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Germany jumps in, but in his typical “I know everything” approach.

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This guy is insufferable. He then explains why he isn’t attacking Russia.

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Austria then writes that he agrees with Germany, but we are in a “Catch-22” and nothing can be done.

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I try to shrug it off with my typical good humor.

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Meanwhile, Austria has told Russia about the leak. I cannot catch a break.

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Great, that means that Italy’s bit of info also got leaked by Austria. I know all about it but then cover up and lie to Russia, even though the news is inevitably bad.

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None of that is good, so I tell Italy first.

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I then write to AGR, but I enhance Russia’s press a bit.

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Italy and I further commiserate between ourselves about the situation.

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Also, I came clean with Italy about what I told Russia.

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I write back to AIGR, basically seeing if there’s anything to do.

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Germany offers a vague ray of hope, with even fewer specifics than normal.

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Things are looking so bad, I even make an offer to England, and he doesn’t even bother to respond.

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I try another run with Germany.

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S07 Negotiations - Germany Offers A Deal


F06/W06 Negotiations