Chapter 21: “I Become Concerned About NDO’s Project”

Season Covered: Fall 1907

I talk to NDO360 for the project Ajax referenced last year.  He’s a hell of a nice guy and he wants to spend time promoting this game, so I’m all for his project.  The problem is that I’m not sure I’m satisfied with his concept.  He wants me to be a character like Frank Underwood in House of Cards about how I’m some evil genius controlling all the others.  He wants me to voice over moves pretending I’m some kind of intelligent player who knows what he’s doing. The problem of course, as you have read, is that I am struggling season to season with no great plan in mind.

I throw some alternative ideas at him, and hope they take hold.  I think the most valuable thing he could do is show what the players were thinking throughout the game, but he explains that’s too unwieldy, and I’m sure he’s right.  I thought he could do something akin to an online version of these incredible videos about 2016 WDC Weaselmoot.

Watch them if you can.  I have watched them three times.

I tell NDO if he read my AAR he would understand me better, and I explained how I was writing it contemporaneously with the game.  He then asks for my AAR.  My God, the typos!

I ask Ajax if it’s okay to send it to him, and I do.  He’s even reading my AAR.  I wonder if this will impact my play.  

Anyway, I basically think that this project is not one I am well suited for.  It’s not my project; it’s his.  I will support him in ay way I can. I just can’t be someone I’m not, unless it’s just in the game itself.


Chapter 22: “Keep Lyin’ and Tryin’”


Chapter 20: “Onward Ho”